Team Member CV

Michalis Kotzapashis

PhD Student Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Patras & FORTH/ICE-HT


M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering

University of Patras, Department of Chemical Engineering

Diploma in Chemical Engineering

Bachelor's Thesis

Absorption of Phenolic Substances from Liquid Waste Oil in a Solid Sorbent Fly ash of Megalopolis



  1. 13 months Research scientist at Re-Water Interreg Greece Italy
  2. Biology technician Sewage Board Nicosia Megalou Alexandrou 9, 1010 Nicosia, 21835 NICOSIA (Cyprus)
  3. Cypriot national guard mandatory services, Nicosia (Cyprus)
  4. Engineering Competition European Competition Patras Marche 23 2019 3rd place


Participation in Conferences

13th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress, Patras, 2022